You can leave the configuration file unchanged or alternatively
replace every occurrence of the string "category" with the string

At 15:24 24.07.2002 -0700, Abhijat Thakur wrote:

>We are moving from log4j version 1.1 to 1.2 . In the new version instead 
>of Category we should be using Logger class. I could not find an example 
>of how the configuraton file should change accordingly. Our old 
>loggingconfiguration file looks something like
>log4j.appender.AGENDA_Appender.layout.ConversionPattern= [%d{ISO8601}] 
>%-10.10c{1} %-5p: %m%n
>How does this file change in relation to the new version. Does my first 
>line of configuration file should now read


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