The additivity flag influences the way appenders attached to parent
loggers are handled. It does not affect the accumulation of loggers
attached to the same logger.

At 11:26 25.07.2002 +0100, FLYNN, Peter -Syntegra UK wrote:
>I have a centrally stored logging properties XML file, which I access using
>Inside this, I have the following snippet of XML...
><!-- Log everything under com.syntegra. to a rolling log and telnet session
>on 5875 -->
><logger name="com.syntegra" additivity="false">
>         <level value="DEBUG"/>
>         <appender-ref ref="TELNET"/>
>         <appender-ref ref="ROLLINGLOG"/>
><!-- Only log Config tool to local console -->
><logger name="com.syntegra.Config" additivity="false">
>         <level value="DEBUG"/>
>         <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>
>Even though additivity is false, the Config tries to bind the Telnet
>session, resulting in
>a JVM_Bind error when starting up, and a NullPointerException when the
>append is made.
>Surely it I have it set to false, it shouldn't be picking up the
>for Config.
>Is this a bug, or a configuration issue?


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