I had already enabled the internal logging of JBoss, with no success
unfortunately. This "log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
com.credm.babel.cactus.TestPropertyType" is output on the console screen of
Ant when I try running the program.

And in the class com.credm.babel.cactus.TestPropertyType, here is how I
declare the logger:

"public class TestPropertyType extends ServletTestCase
        private PropertyTypeLocal propertyType;
        final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.apache.cactus");

Nothing much to do with the error... And to add to that, I did declare a
"com.credm.babel.cactus" logger in my log4j.xml file of JBoss! This is
pretty confusing. The war file used with Cactus does not seem to see the
log4j configuration for JBoss. Would that be possible?

One last thing that would ease the development: is it possible to merge
log_client.properties and log_server.properties in the log4j.xml?



-----Message d'origine-----
De : Ceki Gulcu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoye : jeudi 25 juillet 2002 16:39
A : Log4J Users List
Objet : RE: using log4J with JBoss and Cactus

The fact that log4j warns about not seeing the root logger is normal
because the log_server.properties file probably does not mention the
root logger (which is perfectly fine.) Log4j is suspicious about not
seeing the root logger mentioned in the config file and emits a
warning which you can safely ignore.

The "log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
com.credm.babel.cactus.TestPropertyType" is more serious. You should
enable internal log4j debugging for the JBoss' log4j.xml file and see
what that gives.

At 16:12 25.07.2002 +0200, you wrote:
>Hello Ceki,
>Thanks for answering.
>So far, I have solved one of the problem: now my appenders do produce
>In the log4j.xml of JBoss, my error was to make them derive from the
>"org.apache.log4j.FileAppender". The correct way is to make them derive
>JBoss' class.:
>         <appender name="cactus"
> class="org.jboss.logging.appender.FileAppender">
>Now, the problem with merging the contents of "log_client.properties" into
>"log4j.xml" is that cactus.jar is looking for a "log_client.properties" in
>the classpath. Same effect with "log_server.properties"... Is there a way
>bypass this?
>JBoss manages to start correctly its Log4J service, as you can see:



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