The commands you are using are weblogic-specific as you are using the
weblogic.Admin tool.  If you wish to keep using the weblogic-proprietary
methods, then check out their E-Docs site.  Specifically, will show you
how to configure MBeans using the Admin tool.  Specifically, you are
interested in the SET and INVOKE commands.

However, doing this is exactly the same as performing these steps in the
weblogic admin console.  You may want to consider performing the setup as
you want in the console, and then just copying the relevant section(s) from
the config.xml file for that server.

    |-----Original Message-----
    |From: sanjayrajsoni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
    |Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 10:24 AM
    |Subject: JMS Queue and JMS Appender
    |We plan to use JMS Appender in our production environment. 
    |We want to 
    |automate the creation of Queues and JMS Servers using 
    |scripts. I have 
    |been paritially successful at this.
    |I am able to create JMS Conx Factory, JMS File Store and 
    |JMS Server 
    |using the Commandline, for e.g. 
    |java -cp d:\bea\wlserver6.1\lib\weblogic_sp.jar;d:\bea\wlserver6.1
    |\lib\weblogic.jar weblogic.Admin -username system 
    |-password weblogic 
    |CREATE -mbean "mydomain:Type=JMSServer,Name=testjmss" 
    |How do i target this to a server? 
    |How do i create Queues for this JMS Server? 
    |How do i set the directory for JMS Store? Is there a document 
    |available somewhere? 
    |Has anyone does this? 
    |Thanks in advance. 
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