At 08:52 30.08.2002 -0400, you wrote:
>I have a problem with file handler in UNIX. It is related to log4j, but may
>not caused by it.
>There are two web applications running, both using log4j. One is
>Solaris/Weblogic and the other
>Solaris/iPlanet. The WL one never had problem with file logging. But the
>iPlanet always will have overflow file handler issue and eventually after
>days the UNIX file resources is used up and appl. get locked.
>I understand log4j is thread safe. I also checked the code of log4j. It
>seems that the files (appenders) get opened and kept open until
>specifically get reset() or close(). My question is that
>(a) Should we close the appenders each event is logged? Or we should
>justleave them open.

No, that would be excruciatingly slow.

>(b) For the file hander of UNIX, for one file (appender) why would it use
>multiple handler for one file? why not use kind of pooling access to the

How do you configure the appenders? Do you dynamically create a large 
number of appenders without ever closing them?

>Please clarify if I have any misunderstandins.
>Tony Yan


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