Hi, 1. I use a FileAppender to log to a file and a SMTPAppender to send fatal errors in an email. To filter, that only fatal errors will be sent in an email I wrote a custom class that implements TriggeringEventEvaluator. and I define the class in log4j.properties log4j.appender.mail.EvaluatorClass=com.SomeClass
Everything works perfect, but If any debug log entries have already been logged to the FileAppender and after that a fatal error occurs, I receive an email with everything in it:Debug, Info and Error log entries. I only expect to get one log entry if a fatal error occurs. Is there any buffering mechanism, that adds all log entries in the email? 2. Is there a similar filtering mechanism for FileAppender like implementing TriggeringEventEvaluator in the case of SMTPAppender? Any help is very welcome! cheers, Pascal