At 11:40 31.10.2002 -0800, you wrote:
I'm having trouble a few problems with settup up log4j

The environment is a sun machine 5.8 running weblogic 6.1. I have a single Ear file with some ejb and a war file

user.jar (ejb file)
group.jar (ejb file)

From the documentation is appears that I should add a lib directory with the log4j.jar file in it, However, when I do that weblogic tries to autodeploy the jar and throws an exception.
Which exception is that?

I need to have wl in development mode so that I can redeploy the ear when I make changes.
To remedy this I've placed log4j in the wl classpath. This gets me around the log4j.jar problem. However, it is uncear as to where to put the file so that it will be read. Could you please clarify
You have seen this in the book?

There is a better and quite elegant approach. Version 1.2 of the Java platform, added support for bundled extensions ( jar files. A jar file can specify the relative URLs of extensions and libraries that it requires via the "Class-Path" manifest attribute. Relative URLs ending with '/' are assumed to refer to directories.

For example, adding the line
Class-Path: lib/log4j-VERSION.jar lib/

to the manifest file of your application's ear file or your EJB jar files will allow log4j classes to be loaded from lib/log4j-VERSION.jar relative to the ear or jar file. Placing log4j.xml or in the lib/ directory will let log4j find the properties configuration file and auto-initialize.

Also, I've noticed a minor spelliing error on page 123 JMSAppender is misspelled JMSAppedner
Thanks. I fixed it.

Please let me know if you have any ideas

J.R. Warmkessel
Wheels of Zeus 408 358 6030 x 2001

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