hi all,
i've done some digging in the log4j source to try to find out what the
problem is, and i have some questions.

i have made an extension to log4j to provide additional levels, and i have
followed the examples provided with log4j.

what seems to happen is that when i try to get a Logger instance with my
own  LoggerFactory, the factory is ignored because of a 'guard'. can anyone
explain how this works, and how i get around it?

morten wilken

|         |           "Morten Wilken"  |
|         |           <Morten.Wilken@st|
|         |           eria.dk>         |
|         |                            |
|         |           26-11-2002 14:37 |
|         |           Please respond to|
|         |           "Log4J Users     |
|         |           List"            |
|         |                            |
  |       To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      
  |       cc:                                                                          
  |       Subject:  strange behaviour                                                  

hi all,
we are in the process of integrating log4j in a weblogic 5.1 application.

we are using the propertyconfigurator and the configureAndWatch() to setup
watchdog , but we have obsered some strange behaviour.

if we specify a classname in a logger ie:


we get a ClassCastException when we try to use a class with logging in it.

however, if we set it to


when we start, and later on change it to


it logs just fine.

is this a known error or has anybody expeirienced anything like it?

morten wilken

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