Wendy Smoak wrote:

I'm sure I have a configuration problem, but I've tried many examples and
nothing works. All of the log messages are going to a single file and it
will not roll over. I'm currently trying to get it to roll every minute so
that I can test it, but once that works I will change it to daily or weekly.

I'm using log4j underneath commons-logging, but that shouldn't matter... it
is picking up this properties file, which I've tested by changing the
ConversionPattern and seeing the change in the logs. I have log4j version


# Create an appender called daily:
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, daily

# Create a category for each class, set the level and appender:
log4j.category.test.LoggingTest=DEBUG, daily
# ... lots of lines deleted ...
log4j.category.edu.asu.vpia.struts.ViewProfileAction=DEBUG, daily

# Configure the daily appender to be a DailyRollingFileAppender

# Configure the name of the logout for the daily appender
# default location when used with Tomcat is is /path/to/tomcat/bin, # so back up one & go into logs

# Configure the layout pattern and conversion pattern for the daily appender
log4j.appender.daily.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} - %p %c - %m%n

# Roll the file over daily:
I'm guessing it's this last line that's wrong. Can anyone help?

You shouldn't be quoting the . in your pattern.

should work fine.

josh kleinpeter | sr software engineer
web infrastructure | earthlink.net

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-- Dr. Who

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