I have a webapp that uses log4j to direct logs to several files. Within
the tomcat installation used for development the logs go where
expected.  However in the tomcat installation to be used for production
each log entry goes to the expected file and an additional entry is
written to catalina_out.log.

One clue is that the pattern used to write the two versions of a log
entry are different.  All the log appenders are configured with the

%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n

This leads to a log entries in services.log like

2003-01-17 09:24:25,351 [main] INFO  org.apache.fulcrum.TurbineServices
- Added Mapping for Service: FactoryService
2003-01-17 09:24:25,356 [main] INFO  org.apache.fulcrum.TurbineServices
- Added Mapping for Service: PoolService
2003-01-17 09:24:25,357 [main] INFO  org.apache.fulcrum.TurbineServices
- Added Mapping for Service: MimeTypeService
2003-01-17 09:24:25,357 [main] INFO  org.apache.fulcrum.TurbineServices
- Added Mapping for Service: SchedulerService
2003-01-17 09:24:25,357 [main] INFO  org.apache.fulcrum.TurbineServices
- Added Mapping for Service: UploadService

The corresponding entries in catalina_out.log are

0    [main] INFO  org.apache.fulcrum.TurbineServices  - Added Mapping
for Service: FactoryService
5    [main] INFO  org.apache.fulcrum.TurbineServices  - Added Mapping
for Service: PoolService
6    [main] INFO  org.apache.fulcrum.TurbineServices  - Added Mapping
for Service: MimeTypeService
6    [main] INFO  org.apache.fulcrum.TurbineServices  - Added Mapping
for Service: SchedulerService
6    [main] INFO  org.apache.fulcrum.TurbineServices  - Added Mapping
for Service: UploadService

where the data and time are replaced by a millisecond counter that
starts from the first log entry.

There are so many places to look trying to track this down involving
tomcat and commons-logging, so I don't quite know exactly what to ask of
this list.  I don't think there are any competing configurations, so I
don't think a different appender with an alternate pattern that is doing
the catalina_out.log entries.  Is there some configuration in log4j that
would lead to duplicating every log entry for every appender to standard
out with the time pattern shown above?

john mcnally

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