But what String did you pass to the println method to get that output?  If
you just simply did 'System.out.println( "Key = OTA_HotelResSearchRQ" );',
then the result is NOT normal stdout behaviour, and would seem JBOSS is
defintely manually redirecting stdout (plus adding the additional info).

>> The logs look identical, both the console and log file.  It is happening
both places.

OK, so say you call the logging method:
log.debug( "Key = OTA_HotelResSearchRQ" );

Then the console shows:
14:36:14,648 INFO  [STDOUT] 14:36:14,648,LightSpeed        [DEBUG] - Key =

The file "server.log" has the line:
14:36:14,648 INFO  [STDOUT] 14:36:14,648,LightSpeed        [DEBUG] - Key =


That just doesn't make any sense.

    |-----Original Message-----
    |From: Corbin, James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    |Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 10:57 AM
    |To: Log4J Users List
    |Subject: RE: Help with Logging (1.2.7)
    |A System.out.println() logs as I would expect.  Below is a
    |System.out.println(), taken from the JBOSS console output.
    |09:59:16,398 INFO  [STDOUT] Key = OTA_HotelResSearchRQ
    |-----Original Message-----
    |From: Ebersole, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
    |Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 9:57 AM
    |To: 'Log4J Users List'
    |Subject: RE: Help with Logging (1.2.7)
    |Actually, this should be really easy to test, now that I 
    |thought about it
    |further.  What happens if you add a System.out.println() 
    |call?  Does it show
    |up with the same INFO marking?
    |    |-----Original Message-----
    |    |From: Ebersole, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    |    |Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 10:50 AM
    |    |To: 'Log4J Users List'
    |    |Subject: RE: Help with Logging (1.2.7)
    |    |
    |    |
    |    |Just to make sure I understand:
    |    |
    |    |The statement is completely correct when going to 
    |    |"LightSpeed_Default"
    |    |appender; but then everything going to the 
    |    |"LightSpeed_Console" appender
    |    |displays the characteristics you mention?  Is it every 
    |    |message that you log
    |    |to the console appender?
    |    |
    |    |If so, my guess is that JBOSS is catching 
    |    |System.out/System.err and handling
    |    |those itself.  Never dealt with JBOSS.  Have you asked 
    |    |this question on
    |    |their mailing list?
    |    |
    |    |
    |    |
    |    |
    |    |    |-----Original Message-----
    |    |    |From: Corbin, James 
    |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    |    |    |Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 10:20 AM
    |    |    |To: Log4J Users List
    |    |    |Subject: RE: Help with Logging (1.2.7)
    |    |    |
    |    |    |
    |    |    |
    |    |    |Thanks for the suggestion.  I already have all loggers 
    |    |    |additivity set to
    |    |    |false, but my logging to the category still is 
    |appended to 
    |    |    |a JBOSS INFO
    |    |    |message before being displayed.
    |    |    |
    |    |    |I must be doing something fundamentally wrong.  Does 
    |    |    |anyone have a clue?
    |    |    |
    |    |    |I've read all the threads about this from the 
    |archive.  It 
    |    |    |has given me some
    |    |    |insight, but hasn't addressed my issue.
    |    |    |
    |    |    |Can somebody explain why I see the following behavior:
    |    |    |
    |    |    |JBOSS logging setup to log to console and file.  
    |I define 
    |    |    |a new category in
    |    |    |my application logging config file then attach 
    |new console 
    |    |    |and file appender
    |    |    |to the category.  My application then logs to the 
    |    |    |category.  If I make the
    |    |    |following call: myCategory.debug( "sometext" );
    |    |    |
    |    |    |Why does this get appended to a [INFO] message before 
    |    |    |being displayed to the
    |    |    |console.  This is not an additivity issue as I only get 
    |    |    |one entry in the
    |    |    |log.
    |    |    |
    |    |    |If someone could help me understand why I see 
    |log entries 
    |    |    |like the following
    |    |    |with my setup I might be able to fix it.  Where is the 
    |    |    |"09:20:47,919 INFO
    |    |    |[STDOUT]" coming from????  Everything after that is the 
    |    |    |data from my call to
    |    |    |log to the category.
    |    |    |
    |    |    |09:20:47,919 INFO  [STDOUT] 
    |    |    |[INFO ] -
    |    |    |========> setSuccessfulForward = /SendHouseList
    |    |    |
    |    |    |
    |    |    |-----Original Message-----
    |    |    |From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
    |    |    |Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 7:13 AM
    |    |    |To: Log4J Users List
    |    |    |Subject: RE: Help with Logging (1.2.7)
    |    |    |
    |    |    |
    |    |    |Howdy,
    |    |    |Set additivity to false for all your loggers, or 
    |    |    |alternatively for the
    |    |    |root logger.
    |    |    |
    |    |    |Yoav Shapira
    |    |    |Millennium ChemInformatics
    |    |    |
    |    |    |
    |    |    |>-----Original Message-----
    |    |    |>From: Corbin, James 
    |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    |    |    |>Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 6:30 PM
    |    |    |>To: Log4J Users List
    |    |    |>Subject: RE: Help with Logging (1.2.7)
    |    |    |>
    |    |    |>
    |    |    |>That would work, but I forgot to mention that our 
    |    |application is
    |    |    |deployed
    |    |    |>on
    |    |    |>multiple server vendors and not just JBOSS.  If it 
    |    |were, I would
    |    |    |definitely
    |    |    |>not need to have a application specific 
    |configuration file.
    |    |    |>
    |    |    |>J.D.
    |    |    |>
    |    |    |>-----Original Message-----
    |    |    |>From: Rafal Kedziorski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    |    |    |>Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 4:08 PM
    |    |    |>To: Log4J Users List
    |    |    |>Subject: Re: Help with Logging (1.2.7)
    |    |    |>
    |    |    |>hi,
    |    |    |>
    |    |    |>why don't You use the log4j included to JBoss? I'm 
    |    |    |working with this
    |    |    |and it
    |    |    |>works fine.
    |    |    |>
    |    |    |>
    |    |    |>Rafal
    |    |    |>
    |    |    |>At 16:39 03.03.2003 -0500, Corbin, James wrote:
    |    |    |>
    |    |    |>>I am using Log4j version 1.2.7 as my 
    |application logging 
    |    |    |framework
    |    |    |running
    |    |    |>>on a JBOSS app server.
    |    |    |>>
    |    |    |>>The only issue I have run into is trying to define 
    |    |a separate
    |    |    |>configuration
    |    |    |>>file that when loaded doesn't interfere with the one 
    |    |    |loaded at server
    |    |    |>>startup by JBOSS.  Therefore, I created the following 
    |    |    |configuration
    |    |    |file
    |    |    |>>which creates a category and my application logs to 
    |    |the category.
    |    |    |This
    |    |    |>>works as I've mentioned in previous emails, but the 
    |    |console log
    |    |    |appends my
    |    |    |>>messages to an INFO message (from JBOSS 
    |    |configuration?).  I've
    |    |    |included a
    |    |    |>>log entry to demonstrate my issue:
    |    |    |>>
    |    |    |>>14:36:14,648 INFO  [STDOUT] 
    |    |    |  [DEBUG] -
    |    |    |some
    |    |    |>>message text....
    |    |    |>>
    |    |    |>>My category name is LightSpeed.  Notice how 
    |the [DEBUG] 
    |    |    |message is
    |    |    |>appended
    |    |    |>>to a INFO [STDOUT] message?  I assume this is coming 
    |    |    |from the JBOSS
    |    |    |>>configuration of Log4j.
    |    |    |>>
    |    |    |>>************Application Specific Configuration File 
    |    |*************
    |    |    |>>
    |    |    |>>## The server.log file appender for LightSpeed
    |    |    |>>log4j.category.LightSpeed=DEBUG, LightSpeed_Console,
    |    |    |LightSpeed_Default
    |    |    |>>log4j.additivity.LightSpeed=false;
    |    |    
    |    |    |gFileAppender
    |    |    |>>log4j.appender.LightSpeed_Default.File=server.log
    |    |    |>>log4j.appender.LightSpeed_Default.MaxFileSize=500KB
    |    |    |>>log4j.appender.LightSpeed_Default.MaxBackupIndex=1
    |    |    
    |    |    |.PatternLayou
    |    |    |t
    |    |    
    |    |    |rn=%d %-5p
    |    |    |[%t]
    |    |    |>>%-17c{2} (%13F:%L) %3x - %m\n
    |    |    
    |    |    |rn=[%d{ABSOLU
    |    |    |TE},
    |    |    |>%
    |    |    |>c
    |    |    |>>{1}] %m%n
    |    |    
    |    |    |n=%d{ABSOLUTE
    |    |    |},%-
    |    |    |>1
    |    |    |>7
    |    |    |>>c [%-5p] - %m%n
    |    |    |>>
    |    |    
    |    |    |eAppender
    |    |    
    |    |    |.PatternLayou
    |    |    |t
    |    |    
    |    |    |n=%d{ABSOLUTE
    |    |    |},%-
    |    |    |>1
    |    |    |>7
    |    |    |>>c [%-5p] - %m%n
    |    |    |>>
    |    |    |>>  _____
    |    |    |>>
    |    |    |>>         J.D. Corbin
    |    |    |>>Architecture and Emerging Systems
    |    |    |>>Starwood Technology and Revenue Systems
    |    |    |>>9285 Teddy Lane, Suite 230
    |    |    |>>Lone Tree, CO 80124
    |    |    |>>
    |    |    |>>Phone: 303.790.9551
    |    |    |>>Fax:    303.790.9550
    |    |    |>>
    |    |    |>>
    |    |    |>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    |    |    |>>
    |    |    |>>   _____
    |    |    |>>
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