> Where can i find an example, of using chainsaw app?????
> I am using xml config and output.  Ceki's book doesn't mention much on
> chainsaw to view XML logs.  I just want to see how it would look etc..

Hi Michael,

Here's a property file for the app that I want to remote via logs via

# This logger catches everything else that is getting logged.
log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, ChainSaw


[end property file]

I don't think a layout is required (might even be the cause of the issue).

When chainsaw starts up, it will start listening on a default port of 4445,
and if the SocketAppender on the remote side doesn't immediately connect to
Chainsaw it will give up forever without the ReconnectionDelay parameter

If this doesn't work, try starting Chainsaw using "java" rather than "javaw"
to see any Chainsaw specific log outputs about connections etc.

Hope this helps.


Paul Smith

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