I've had this problem running WebSphere 3.02 on an AS400. In my case it was
caused by an non-standard stack trace. I customised the parsing and the
problem went away.

Michael Rutherfurd

> i am trying to use the conversion character "M" for outputting the method 
> name where the logging request was issued.
> unfortunately all log4j wirtes to the logfile is ?... the conversion 
> configuration is the following:
> value="%d{dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss} %r [%t] *%-5p %-17c{2} [%M] - %m%n"
> the log-statements are all of the following:
> 02.06.2003 10:45:52 5508343 [HttpListener-1:Thread-3] *DEBUG 
> persistence.AbstractDBMapper [?] - Method execute called... 
> any ideas?
> kind regards,
> sandro

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