I've committed a number of receivers and appenders, including a JDBCReceiver, to the 
log4j-sandbox project (part of next release, hopefully).

Here are other receivers/appenders I've contributed that may be of interest as well:

* A receiver which accepts XML events via TCP sockets (includes support for JDK1.4's 
util.logging events).

* A UDP Appender and Receiver pair which support events transmitted via unicast 
datagrams (formatted using XMLLayout)

* A Multicast Appender and Receiver pair which support events transmitted via  
multicast (formatted using XMLLayout)

The multicastappender/receiver pair can be very useful in an environment where a group 
of developers would like to see a single person's/machine's log output.  This is 
particularly useful during a heavy QA cycle, or where multiple apps are running on a 
single machine and different people would like to view the log output of any or all of 
the applications.

Most of the receivers I've contributed were written to expand the availability of the 
new Chainsaw UI I'm developing to provide support for other languages,  or apps which 
choose to use JDK 1.4 logging.

Any language that can open a socket and transmit events as XML can act as an event 
source, while Chainsaw V2 can act as the event sink.

There is still work to do on Chainsaw V2 before it's ready for release, but hopefully 
we'll be making an announcement of it's availability and features sometime in the near 

I haven't yet fully documented the JDBCReceiver, I'll try to do that tomorrow.


-----Original Message-----
From:   rr442002 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wed 6/4/2003 4:00 PM
Subject:        Re: Chainsaw and a database

did you manage to get this to work? I want to do the same thing.



--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Nate Drake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey,
> I was looking at Chainsaw and noticed in the javadoc that it says "It is
> easy to add support for loading events from other sources like JDBC."  I
> would like to use chainsaw to browse our log messages, which are
stored in
> an oracle database.
> Has anyone done this yet?  If so, care to share?
> Thanks,
> Nate
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