You can take a look at the RespoistorySelector stuff that is part of log4j.
It is meant to address these kind of scenarios in server deployments.  A
thread or JNDI based implementation of a RepositorySelector may help you
solve this issue....

-----Original Message-----
From: Crumbo, Brian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 8:17 AM
To: 'Log4J Users List'
Subject: RE: Picking up wrong properties file in Weblogic

Bummer.  I think I'm in trouble, then.  The app is going to be running on a
common server with several other apps that use log4j.  In fact, our
company's common error handling component is based on log4j.  I'm going to
have to do some work with our server guys on this one.  Thanks for your

-----Original Message-----
From: Ebersole, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 8:50 AM
To: 'Log4J Users List'
Subject: RE: Picking up wrong properties file in Weblogic

The problem is that it is using the java jvm class-loader [using

There is a class either in your system or server class-path attempting to
initialize log4j prior to your Struts stuff.  Once in a web-app or
enterprise-app, the class loader would be something named
WLContextClassLoader (I forgot the exact class name, but its a bea supplied
class).  Are you defining anything in the system or server class-path which
uses log4j (or even commons-logging)?  That would be a problem in weblogic.

Even to the point of security realms.  I had to end up removing all log4j
usage from our custom security realm beacause it got initialized before any
apps (and because weblogic loads all sec-realm classes on using the jvm

You pretty much have two options...
1) Seek out all libraries using either log4j/commons-logging and moving them
from the server class-path to the appropriate app-specific directory.
2) Place your file also in the system/server class-path.

Note that just about everthing from the jakarta uses either one of these two
logging libraries...

-----Original Message-----
From: Crumbo, Brian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 7:39 AM
To: 'Log4J Users List'
Subject: RE: Picking up wrong properties file in Weblogic

Well, I seem to have really hit a brick wall on this one.  I turned
log4j.debug on and got:

log4j: Trying to find [] using
[EMAIL PROTECTED] class loader.
log4j: Trying to find [] using
log4j: Could not find resource: [].

I've verified that the properties file is in the war file's WEB-INF/classes
directory.  There are no files in the classpath anywhere.
I am using Weblogic 7.0.  I wonder if this might have something to do with
using a managed server.  Maybe I'll ask BEA.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Ebersole [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 5:52 PM
To: Log4J Users List
Subject: RE: Picking up wrong properties file in Weblogic

>> Does this mean its not finding the properties file?

So the file is named or log4j.xml and is located in the
war's WEB-INF/classes directory?  That's strange, it should find it.

Have you tried with log4j.debug set to true?

You can try placing log4j.jar and the config file in the ear's root and
include manifest Class-Path entries in the manifest of the included wars and
ejb-jars.  Thats what I do, so I know that works.

Also, which version of weblogic.  I'm using 6.1sp4, and its worked fine for
me.  Wasn't their a version where weblogic was using log4j?  Maybe 7.x?

-----Original Message-----
From: Crumbo, Brian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 1:33 PM
To: 'Log4J Users List'
Subject: RE: Picking up wrong properties file in Weblogic

The directory was in the system classpath.  I took it out, and now I get a
"No appenders could be found for category (root)." message.  Does this mean
its not finding the properties file?

To answer the other questions, this is a Struts application, and I'm in an
Action class in the war file.  I haven't gotten to logging in the EJB jar
file yet.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ebersole, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 2:23 PM
To: 'Log4J Users List'
Subject: RE: Picking up wrong properties file in Weblogic

Is that directory on the classpath somewhere higher than the weblogic app
classloader?  For example is it on the system classpath or server classpath?

Where is the class which triggers log4j initialization?  Is it contain
within the war file?  If, for example, and ejb component is the first to
reference log4j, it would not be able to see the stuff in the
WEB-INF/classes directory.

What else is inside the ear file?  Is everything in the ear supposed to
share that log4j config?

-----Original Message-----
From: Crumbo, Brian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 12:48 PM
Subject: Picking up wrong properties file in Weblogic

I have deployed an application as an ear file to Weblogic.  The war file
within the ear file contains the file in the
WEB-INF/classes directory, and the log4j.jar in the WEB-INF/lib directory.
My understanding is that log4j should pick up the file from
the WEB-INF/classes directory by default. However, my application, for some
unknown reason, is picking up a file from elsewhere on my
machine...from a directory that contains a Java application that has not
been deployed.

Anybody know why log4j would be going outside the web app to pick up another
properties file?

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