
That's an interesting way of looking at logger types! But how would that allow me to enable/disable log messages for a particular class? One of the features I need is the ability to specify that a particular class should display a particular type of log message (or possibly more than one). This would appear to only let me set the message type system wide. Did I miss something?

--- regards ---

At 11:10 PM 8/14/03 +0200, you wrote:

If it can run, it can also walk!

I think the existing system can be made to closely simulate the behavior you describe.

Here is how:

- Set the root logger to the level OFF.

- Name your loggers as "fatal", "error", "timing", "CodeBlock", "ControlPoint", "DBAccess", "Info", etc. Set their levels to OFF when you create them.

- Whenever you can any of the above loggers, call it with the same printing metdod, say info(Object message) of the org.apache.log4j.Logger class.

To enable a "type" set its level to INFO or above. To disable it, set its level to DEBUG or lower. Assuming the "type" names do not contain dot ('.') characters, the "types" will be independent.

Do I need to continue?

At 04:25 PM 7/30/2003 -0700, Larry Young wrote:

I'm looking at creating a logging package for our applications (web & non-web). The reason for yet-another-logger is that I want discreet logging types, not hierarchical levels. I've built this kind of a package before for previous projects, and ended up building the whole thing because I didn't think log4j could do what I wanted (that was several years ago). Now I'm building another one, and looking at the current version of log4j, and having read much of Ceki's book (which I highly recommend!), I'm thinking that there's got to be a way of re-configuring (bending?) log4j to do what I need. I don't think it's that far off.

Basically, I want to be able to enable/disable logging for a particular class or package by type, and each type is totally independent of every other type. Some examples of types might be: Fatal, Error, Timing, CodeBlock, ControlPoint, DBAccess, Info, etc. There is no implicit "ordering" between these various types, so "levels" are inappropriate. What I want to be able to do is to turn on/off each type independently, so that I can turn on Timing without having to also turn on Info, or be able to turn on CodeBlock without turning on Error. I also want the users of my package to be able to define additional types and register them with the logger at runtime (via code or xml ???). Oh yeah, I also need to have the logger reload the config file (or some portion of it) on a regular basis so that we can change the enabled types without bouncing the app-server or restarting the application.

I was thinking if I tried to tie all my "types" to a single "level", and did something with the log-level filtering to enable/disable by package or class, that would get me close. I'm not sure how I'd tie in the "type". I'd probably have to programatically update the log-level filters with updates to handle config changes at runtime.

Thoughts, ideas, concerns??? Any comments are gratefully accepted! :)

--- regards ---

-------------------------- Larry Young The Dalmatian Group www.dalmatian.com

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-- Ceki For log4j documentation consider "The complete log4j manual" ISBN: 2970036908 http://www.qos.ch/shop/products/clm_t.jsp

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Larry Young
The Dalmatian Group

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