Whats the standard way to setup logging in an app server when some
components use a properties file for config and some use an xml file?

Previously we had control of all deployed components on thats server, and
all the components used a file named log4j-config.xml located on the various
classpaths.  The only way I had found to acheive this was to set a
-Dlog4j.configuration=log4j-config.xml system property.  That worked OK,
until now.  Now there is a new component in the mix which attempts to use a
properties file, but fails to iniitialize because of the log4j.configuration
system property being set.

How can I make this work, short of converting the third party properties
file into its XML representation.

Also, is there a way (or plans for a way) to make a standard naming for the
XML configs?  Such that default init attempts to find log4j.properties, and
then log4j.xml (or some other name)...

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