Firstly, allow me to apologise if this question has already been
answered - I don't have access to a searchable archive of the list.

I am using log4j within the OpenEJB EJB server and I am able to set my
configuration file (via the property
-Dlog4j.configuration=file:conf/logging.conf) add appenders, loggers

This all works perfectly but I now dearly need to reconfigure the
loggers at runtime and I have found that in previous projects a
PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch will do the trick even if log4j
is already configured (in classes beyond my control).

* QUESTION 1: Is it OK to reconfigure log4j in this way ?

This technique isn't working under OpenEJB because log4j can't find the
config file a second time around when configured with the same URL
'file:conf/logging.conf' OR with a URL to the absolute file path
'file:///C|/openejb-0.8.3/conf/logging.conf'. Switching on -Dlog4j.debug
gives me...

log4j: [file:///C|/openejb-0.8.3/conf/logging.conf] does not exist. 

I vaguely understand that the EJB container may have a different class
loader or context although I don't believe this to be the case with
version 0.8.3 OpenEJB.

* QUESTION 2: Why doesn't log4j like my config file URLs? 
They look logical to me :) - are they broken?

Thanks for enduring my queries :),


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