Hi, I'm working on a new web-app installed on a standalone computer using log4J and every thing work perfectly. The only thing is that I have some duplicate trace with Log4j on some Logger ( additivity is false for all the logger ) made by two different threads on the same request. If I add System.out.println("message") before or after the trace it appear only once on the console but the trace appear twice from two different threads. If someone have an explanation ? It seem that I have two processors for a single request and a single response running in the same time.
Example : 05/12/03 10:44:53 DEBUG [http8080-Processor1] - My Trace 05/12/03 10:44:53 DEBUG [http8080-Processor2] - My Trace ( same trace with another request processor ) Thanks in advance, Xavier. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]