You have a 3 choices...

1. Don't provide log4j.jar and for each application. Instead, use the single server-provided instance of Log4j along with a single log4j config file (again, at the server level). You would initialize Log4j once on server startup, not for each application running in the server.

2. Do as above, but (as far as providing logj4.jar an the log4j config file at the sever level), but initialize log4j with a repository selector so that each application can configure itself in its own environment separate from that of other applications. There are existing repository selectors in the log4j-sandbox project.

3. Provide log4j.jar in WEB-INF/lib and your config file in WEB-INF/classes (or elsewhere for manual configuration) and make sure your server supports servlet-spec recommended classloader behavior where the WebappClassLoader is search for classes before the parent. This is intentionally opposite to that of normal Java2 class loading behavior. Tomcat supports this. I know JBoss can be configured to support this as well. I can't say much about other servers.

See also:


At 09:50 AM 12/6/2003 +0000, you wrote:

I am trying to deploy an web application that uses Log4J in a shared hosting environment (ATG Dynamo 5.6.1). Log4J is used by other web applications already deployed in the server. Log4J is in the server classpath.

When I deploy my application, it hijacks the logging of the other applications. Its my understanding that ATG 5.6.1 is Servlet 2.2 compliant so it is probably using JDK standard classloading rules (always ask the parent classloader to load the class first). So when an application ask for Log4J classes the application's classloader ask it's parent and so on and eventually find the log4J instance loaded from the server classpath. So my guess is Log4J classes are shared between all applications. When my application loads it must be reconfiguring that Log4J instance. (this is just a hunch !)

I have in WEB-INF/classes dir and log4j Jar in WEB-INF/lib directory. Is there anyway I could share the log4J instance with other applications without reconfiguring existing loggers ?

Or anyother pointers to resolve this issue is greatly appreciated.

Thanks Roshan

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