Hi, my problem is that in my object architecture/hierarchy I have dozens of
classes that extend a single parent class.  The parent class has a method
that is called by all of the child classes.  It is in this method that I
have several log statements.  The problem is that I only have the ability to
turn the logger on or off for that parent class.  If I turn it on then I
will get too many logging messages.  I would only like to log messages in
that parent class for a given child class.
I know I am not explaing this well so I will add a quick code example.

In my example I only want to log messages from the Child1 class.  Therefore
if I was to execute my two child classes I would want to get a single
"logging message".

Class Parent {
        Public void myMethod() {
                Logger.debug("logging message");

Class Child1 extends Parent {
        Public void execute1() {

Class Child2 extends Parent {
        Public void execute2() {

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