First, you should use <level> instead of <priority>. Second, the <root> is just a special kind of <logger>, the root one. What you want to do is set a separate <logger> (of which, BTW, will inherit from <root> so it will use <root>'s appender). Something like this...

<logger name="com.MyClass"> <level value="info"/> </logger> <root> <level value="debug"> <appender-ref ref="xmllayout"/> </root>

Also, normally, I set the <root> logger to a higher threshold like "warn" and then set specific loggers to "info" or "debug".


At 04:54 PM 12/12/2003 -0700, you wrote:
When my application starts I would like to default the logging
priority/level of individual classes.  I know how to set the root using the

    <priority value = "debug" />
    <appender-ref ref="xmllayout"/>

But I would like to set the default logging priority of com.myClass to INFO
as follows...(but this doesn't work)
    <priority value = "debug" />
    <priority class = "com.myClass" value ="info" />
    <appender-ref ref="xmllayout"/>

Anyone know what I am doing incorrectly?

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