There is probably another process holding on to ../logs/performance.log. You are running on Windows I suppose.

At 04:45 PM 5/20/2004, Allistair Crossley wrote:
Hi All

We are losing production logging data I have discovered due to Log4J not being able to rename logs. I have not the slightest idea why this would start happening last week, we have successfully been running log4j for a month with the rolled files being created.

log4j:ERROR Failed to rename [../logs/performance.log] to [../logs/performance.log.2004-05-04].
log4j:ERROR Failed to rename [../logs/application.log] to [../logs/application.log.2004-05-04].
log4j:ERROR Failed to rename [../logs/authentication.log] to [../logs/authentication.log.2004-05-04].

You help appreciated, and rather urgent if it makes a different :)

Cheers!! ADC.

-- Ceki Gülcü

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