resending this as I did not get any response - would appreciate your
expert opinion on this!

Thank you in advance!
Best Regards,
Ramakrishna M. Menon (A Rafi Fan - )
MBA, Berkeley
Oracle Corp.-> (650) 506-2343

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ramakrishna Menon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Log4J Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: ThreadLocalAppender for log4j?resending

> Hi Paul
> I was supposed to work on this thread and get back to this list but
> was caught up in other priorities at work.
> I am now trying to redo some of the investigations I did earlier and also
> look at
> adapting your solution. Thought I would summarize what I am thinking of
> doing (my understanding of log4j is fairly limited - I just know how to
> get a simple logger up and running with a simple config file:-))
> To recall the original issue, it was to log a message on the rendered url.
> Now in our application we are using log4j to log messages already. I want
> to intercept these messages and render them in a url based on a flag
> that is set on the url (or in the session.) Important thing is that a url
> should get messages only from the request (or thread) that was handled
> while its rendering.)
> Now what I am thinking of doing is to
> 1. create a class which is an appender that intercepts the messsages and
> writes it to a
>        StringWriter with which it is initialized.
> 2. at the beginning of the routine that handles a request, I create a new
> appender and initialize it
> with the stringwriter. It appends to the stringwriter any messages that it
> gets.
> 3. at the end of the routine request handling routine, I get the
> stringwriter from the appender and
> destroy it in a finally clause.
> 4. In the logging properties file I would add this appender as well ( I am
> not sure if this is necessary
> since I create this appender manually ?)
> Does that sound right/sane/insane?
> Any other comments/thoughts. btw, I remember thinking about using
> ThreadLocal but dont see it relevant
> here now - not sure I am missing something I thought earlier :)
> Best Regards,
> Menon:)
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Ramakrishna M. Menon (A Rafi Fan - )
> MBA, Berkeley
> Oracle Corp.-> (650) 506-2343
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Paul Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Log4J Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 2:22 PM
> Subject: Re: Fw: ThreadLocalAppender for log4j? resending
> > Ok, to get some context to what we did, our App had a MessageListener
> > interface that was used a lot as a Listener callback to pass
> > Informational messages to our GUI (I've put notes in []):
> >
> > public interface MessageListener extends EventListener {
> > /**
> > * This listener receives a notification
> > */
> > public void receiveMessage(MessageEvent message);
> > }
> >
> > [MessageEvent is a trivial class, MessageType=ERROR|INFO|WARN etc, plus
> > a String message, I won't paste it here]
> >
> > //-----
> >
> > [Now we needed to adapt this interface to an Appender, here's the
> > appender with the Thread specific filter. Note:
> > convertLog4JToMessageEvent just converts LoggingEvent to MessageEvent]
> >
> > //-----
> > ....
> >   public static final Appender
> > createLog4JAppenderAdpater(MessageListener listener)
> >   {
> >     return Log4jAppender.create(listener);
> >   }
> >
> >   private static final class Log4jAppender extends AppenderSkeleton
> >   {
> >     private MessageListener listener;
> >
> >     private Log4jAppender(){}
> >     public static Log4jAppender create(MessageListener listener)
> >     {
> >       Log4jAppender appender = new Log4jAppender();
> >
> >       appender.listener = listener;
> >
> >       final Thread threadThatCreatedTheAppender =
> > Thread.currentThread();
> >
> >       appender.addFilter(new Filter(){
> >         public int decide(LoggingEvent event)
> >         {
> >           if (Thread.currentThread() == threadThatCreatedTheAppender)
> >           {
> >             return Filter.ACCEPT;
> >           }
> >           return Filter.DENY;
> >         }
> >       });
> >       return appender;
> >     }
> >
> >     protected void append(LoggingEvent event)
> >     {
> >       listener.receiveMessage(convertLog4JToMessageEvent(event));
> >     }
> >
> >     public void close()
> >     {
> >       listener = null;
> >     }
> >
> >     public boolean requiresLayout()
> >     {
> >       return false;
> >     }
> >   }
> >
> > // -------------
> >
> > [Now, at the point of code where you can use this:]
> >
> > ....
> >  Logger loggerWeAreInterestedIn =
> > Logger.getLogger(ClassWayDownHierachy.class);
> >
> >  Appender appender =
> > MessageListenerUtils.createLog4JAppenderAdpater(messageListener);
> >
> >  loggerWeAreInterestedIn.addAppender(appender);
> >
> >  try{
> >    someObject.doSomeMethod();
> >  }finally{
> >    loggerWeAreInterestedIn.removeAppender(appender);
> >  }
> >
> > It's very important to remove the appender in the finally block
> > otherwise you will be adding lots of appenders over time and will leak
> > memory.  There is probably a performance hit in doing all this, but
> > sometimes that's better than the alternatives.  It's not clean, but it
> > does work.  You might want to do something different than adapt the
> > LoggingEvent to another class, but hopefully you can see the pattern.
> >
> > Hope this helps someone, or is food for further discussion.
> >
> > regards,
> >
> > Paul Smith
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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