If you logged to a database it would be easy to select the logs from one

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 9:46 AM
To: Log4J Users List
Subject: RE: One file for every thread

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Glenn Strickland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I think the suggested way of dealing with a multi-threaded 
> server is not to log each threads output to a separate file, 
> but to tag each log record with an identifier unique to that 
> thread, then log them to the same file.

I was reading Ceki Gülcü's reply to the same question from another user


He was trying to understand a use case for this feature. Now, without going
into an indepth description of my app, I agree that NCD and MCD are the best
options in a web or J2EE environment: in these apps usally threads are
managed entirely form the application server that can dinamically spawn a
large number of them to fulfill application requests. Usually a programmer
and his application are not thread aware and so a "per thread" logging
facility wouldn't be useful at all being nearly impossible to map a thread
with a client or tx.
But imagine you have a proprietary server application in which the number of
threads (application processes) creation is well defined and maybe fixed.
Furthermore a particular thread is specialized since app starts executing a
single task. In this case is easy mapping one tx with one thread and so
could be useful having this feature.

Foe example, I could have a POJO server application with five threads
running. Each thread has a different instance of a set of objects selling
cinema tickets on a db.
It's useful just opening one logging file and follow one ticket transaction
line by line without having concurrent ticket tx mixed all together.
Yes I could do something like:

cut -d '[' -f3 tickets.log | cut -d ']' -f1 |
uniq | awk '{system("grep -e " $1 " *.log > log"$1 ".txt")}'

Having diffent files with different threads logging...
But why not something inside my logging facility?  ;-))

I hope now I was a little bit clear.

Thank you for the patience.


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