Setting the override property would likely help when running standalone, but we
don't have a problem them. I don't think it will help when running under JBoss
because because then JBoss would not initialize log4j at all, right?

It does appear to be default initialization taking place, but of course since I
really don't know anything about how that works, I could be wrong. But I stepped
through the app from the first statement, which is a call to the ctor of an
'agent'. Nothing really takes place other than initialization of a few instance
attributes until the call to getRootLogger().

I figure I really have 2 options at this point, and both of them will be useful.
I can download the source for log4j1.2.8 and step through what is actually
occurring. The knowledge gained from this should certainly be worthwhile. And I
can setup JBoss on this box, configure it to run the app that is causing us
problems, and step through that initialization process. That examination *might*
provide me with some clues as to what I can examine in order to determine when 
are running under JBoss.

Oh yeah, or I can just rely on using a ctor that takes an argument for setting a
flag that specifies to *not* perform the special log4j configuration. But I
really don't care for this optio (although it *is* working) because it feels 
a hack; or as the XP'ers say, 'It smells.'

Thanks for the help,

                      "Shapira, Yoav"                                           
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:      "Log4J Users List" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       
            >                   cc:                              
                                               Subject: RE: How to determine if 
log4j has been configured                        
                      11/16/2004 08:41                                          
                      Please respond                                            
                      to "Log4J Users                                           

You can set the log4j.defaultInitOverride system property (to any value
other than false), and when so configured any or
log4j.xml files on the classpath will be ignored.

However, it might simply be something else doing programmatic
configuration before your code does it.  It's not necessarily the
default init process that's causing this.

Yoav Shapira

>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 8:38 AM
>To: Log4J Users List
>Subject: RE: How to determine if log4j has been configured
>Thanks Paul,
>It definately appears that I am picking up a log4j config file from
>somewhere on
>the classpath. And it seems that the call to Logger.getRootLogger() is
>log4j to get configured by reading it. So it seems that for me to get
>work, my log4j config file must be named something other than
>and I have to make sure that there are *no* other log4j config files
>where on
>my classpath.
>We must begin not just to act, but to think, for there is no better
>than the one who believes his slavery to be freedom, and we are in
>no greater peril than when we cannot see the chains on our minds
>because there are yet no chains on our feet.
>-- Michael Reid
>                      "Paul Smith"
>                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:      "Log4J Users
>                      om>                      cc:
>                                               Subject: RE: How to
>determine if log4j has been configured
>                      11/15/2004 04:45
>                      PM
>                      Please respond
>                      to "Log4J Users
>                      List"
>I believe log4j1.3 has LoggerRepository.isPristine() which will tell
>that, but that's not available in the 1.2.8 release.  The only way I
>think of doing it is doing as you suggest, and analyzing any attached
>appenders, or checking for any logger in the hierachy that has a
>Level, which would indicate that it has been 'touched', but this is
>obviously not ideal.
>Paul Smith
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 2:21 AM
>> Subject: How to determine if log4j has been configured
>> I have a number of applications that all derive from a common
>> base class. They
>> also share a file. Because having multiple
>> applications (running
>> in seperate VMs) writing to the same log file is disasterous, I
>> configure log4j
>> in the ctor by calling the property configurator:
>>                   props.load( this
>> .getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( ""
) );
>>                   PropertyConfigurator.configure( props );
>> I then enumerate the appenders, and modify any FileAppenders to
specify a
>> sub-class specific log file.
>> This is working fine for applications that run stand-alone.
>> However a couple of
>> these applications run as services under JBoss. In these cases I
>> get an error
>> when trying to log a message . The error is "ERROR: invalid
>> console appender
>> config detected, console stream is looping". I would like to
>> detect if log4j has
>> been configured (by JBoss) before I configure the
>> PropertyConfigurator (and skip
>> that if JBoss has already configured log4j).
>> I tried this code prior to calling the PropertyConfigurator:
>> //          Logger rootLogger = Logger.getRootLogger();
>> //          if( rootLogger == null )
>> //                System.out.println( "Root Logger not yet set!!" );
>> //          else
>> //          {
>> //                System.out.println( "Root logger already set!" );
>> //                Enumeration appenders =
>> //                while( appenders.hasMoreElements() )
>> //                {
>> //                      System.out.println(
>> ((Appender)appenders.nextElement()).getName() );
>> //                }
>> //          }
>> But it said that there were 2 appenders (named FILE and CONSOLE).
>> I'm guessing
>> that getting the root logger (or else the appenders) caused log4j
>> to load a
>> default configuration. So, is there a way I can tell if log4j is
>> configured, and
>> if that configuration is other than the default configuration?
>> Other than by
>> testing for a known named appender specified in the JBoss log4j
>> configuration
>> file (which I really have no control over)?
>> TIA,
>> Dave
>> We must begin not just to act, but to think, for there is no better
>> than the one who believes his slavery to be freedom, and we are in
>> no greater peril than when we cannot see the chains on our minds
>> because there are yet no chains on our feet.
>> -- Michael Reid
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