At 05:20 PM 12/18/2004 +0100, you wrote:
>Are A.txt and B.txt the configuration files or the files where logging
>output goes?

I'm pretty sure he means that the .txt files are his log files and since he has two separate configurations, he expects appA's output to go to one file (as it was configured in his appA config file) and he expects appB's output to go to separate file (as it is configured in his appB config file). The problem is that there is only one config [file] per logger repository. When he says "appA" and "appB", he means two jar files in the same application.

The answer to this is that the approach is flawed. The way I interpret this is that ApplicationA.jar and ApplicationB.jar both have a log4j config file in their roots. This is a bad practice as someone else may use, for instance, ApplicationA.jar in their app but not want to have ApplicationA.jar defining their logger configuration. The problem is thinking that configuration is happening per/library. It actually happens per logger repository which, by default, is essentially per visible classloader hierarchy. If a repository selector is used, the configuration happens per whatever criteria the selector uses as a demarcation of logger repositories. This can add complexity which is necessary at times, but probably not here.

Because of this, one should not distribute config files in jars. Logging is for the end user, not the creator of the library. Remove the config files from the libraries and use a single config file per/application. At this point, it is easy to send the output of the two libraries (with distinct package names) to separate log files...

<appender name="File1" class="org.apache.log4j.FileAppender">
    <param name="File" value="file1.log" />
<appender name="File2" class="org.apache.log4j.FileAppender">
    <param name="File" value="file2.log" />

<logger name="com.mycompany.librarya" additivity="false">
    <level value="debug"/>
    <appender-ref ref="File1"/>

<logger name="com.mycompany.libraryb" additivity="false">
    <level value="debug"/>
    <appender-ref ref="File2"/>

   <level value="warn"/>
   <appender-ref ref="Console"/>

I hope that answers the question.


>At 06:13 AM 12/17/2004, Ran//-\\mir wrote:
>>Apologies are mine if this issue is discussed already.
>>I have two different applications i-e two separate jar files
>>(ApplicationA.jar and ApplicationB.jar).
>>Both use log4j for logging to separate files (A.txt and B.txt).
>>Now the scenario is
>>ApplicationB uses ApplicationA jar file. I have placed ApplicationA.jar
>>and log4j.jar in WEB_INF/lib folder of ApplicationB. When ApplicationB
>>runs, I expect to get logs in different files but unfortunately this does
>>not happen. ApplicationA makes some logging in B.txt and ApplicationB in
>>A.txt. Though both are using different configuration files.
>>Is this normal? What is the solution to the problem?
>>Thanking in advance.
>Ceki Gülcü
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