Here are a few suggestions:

- the field assigned as the IDField needs to be a not null, unique, preferably 
an auto-incrementing int (you could probably use the ID column)
- i'm not sure what msisdn is, but it should only show up once in the sql param
- you need to verify that you're successfully connecting to the database (if 
you have a line in the chainsaw-log tab with '*************Problem receiving 
events', you're not connecting to the database - the exception should give 
- the 'application' and 'hostname' params need to be set up in the sql, not as 
actual params on the receiver (the javadoc example shows how you can use the 
mysql CONCAT function to build the string that will allow you specify multiple 
properties, I'm not sure what the oracle equivalent string concatenation 
function is)

Here's the sql I'd try.  I'm hard-coding the two properties and using MSISDN as 
the LOGGER, and ID as the log4jid (and ID) field - you'd need to change the 
concat function to work with oracle

as THREAD, URL as MESSAGE, "" as NDC, "" as MDC, "" as CLASS, "" as METHOD, "" 
as FILE, "" as LINE, concat("{{application,myapp,hostname,myhost, 
log4jid,",ID,"}}") as PROPERTIES, "" as EXCEPTION from cc_store

in the receiver config, change IDField to reference the ID column (unless it's 
really the msisdn column you're using as the unique id), and get rid of the 
'application' and 'hostname' params (they're defined in the sql concat 
statement above)

-----Original Message-----
From:   Ghielli Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tue 3/22/2005 8:33 AM
To:     'Log4J Users List'
Subject:        RE: Chainsaw with CustomSQLDBReceiver fo oracle
(Same with inclusions)


I have included the table schema and the DB receiver config file. I kept the
remarks below in mind, since they were already mentionned in an earlier
posting. But unfortunately, still no success.
The 'application' and 'hostname' paraeters seem to have no effect at all.


Table schema:
Name    Datatype        Size    Scale   Nulls?  Default Value
MSISDN  VARCHAR2        24      0       No       
ID      VARCHAR2        15      0       No       
URL     VARCHAR2        256     0       No       
WSP_STATUS_CODE         NUMBER  4       0       Yes      
HTTP_STATUS_CODE        NUMBER  4       0       No       
SESSION_MANAGEMENT_STATUS       NUMBER  1       0       Yes      
ACCESS_GROUP    VARCHAR2        24      0       No       
USER_GROUP      VARCHAR2        24      0       No       
USER_AGENT      VARCHAR2        256     0       No       
OUTGOING_HTTP_REQ       NUMBER  19      0       No       
INCOMING_HTTP_RESP      NUMBER  19      0       Yes      
OUTGOING_HTTP_RESP      NUMBER  19      0       Yes      
INCOMING_HTTP_REQ       DATE    7       0       Yes      

DB Receiver config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration >
<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="";
   <appender name="A2" class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender">
      <layout class="org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout"/>

   <plugin name="CustomDBReceiver"
        <param name="password" value="pwd"/>
        <param name="user" value="user"/>
        <param name="driverClass" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"/>
        <param name="url"
      <param name="refreshMillis" value="5000"/>

      <param name="sql" value='select msisdn as LOGGER, INCOMING_HTTP_REQ as
TIMESTAMP,  msisdn,  msisdn as THREAD, msisdn as MESSAGE , msisdn as NDC,
msisdn as MDC, msisdn as CLASS, msisdn as METHOD, msisdn,  msisdn as LINE,
msisdn as PROPERTIES, msisdn  as EXCEPTION  FROM cc_store'/> 
      <param name="IDField" value="MSISDN"/>
      <param name="application" value="App"/>
      <param name="hostname" value="Host"/>
      <level value="debug"/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Deboy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: vrijdag 18 maart 2005 6:22
To: Log4J Users List
Subject: RE: Chainsaw with CustomSQLDBReceiver fo oracle

If you can post your table schema and what you have for an 'sql' parameter
and we can figure it out.


There are a number of limitations described in the JavaDoc:

- You must have an identity column and specify that field as the IDField
- All of the event fields must be defined in the SQL statement, even if you 
don't have columns for them in your database
- Unless you specify 'application' and 'hostname' params, the events may
up on the chainsaw-log tab (but more likely) an empty tab.

There is an example receiver configuration on Chainsaw's Welcome tab that
an example CustomSQLDBReceiver config.

When running, look on the chainsaw-log tab for messages containing 'lastID'
this will tell you if your sql is executing, because lastID is the highest 
value of the identity field that the receiver was able to retrieve from the 

-----Original Message-----
From:   Ghielli Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wed 3/16/2005 8:14 AM
To:     ''
Subject:        Chainsaw with CustomSQLDBReceiver fo oracle

I am trying to configure a CustomSQLDBReceiver for the Oracle DB I am using.
After solving some problems mentionned in other postings on this mailing
list, I now try set up a working sql statement.
The statement I have now results in an error. The event in the chainsaw log
describe it as an invalid column name.
However, executing this statement in sqlplus returns the result as I would
have expected.
I should add that the chainsaw log output says that it is not able to select
a dialect. Perhaps that has something to do with it. But I don't know how to
make it choose the correct one.

Patrick Ghielli 

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