Hi Ceki,

I am using an older version, but not *that* old... 1.0.3

Would you expect that upgrading from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 (the latest production
release I can see) and also removing the
org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory file would result in my logging
still working as it does now with that file?

I'm certainly willing to give it a try if you are telling that is the the
correct answer (you would know better than me certainly!) :)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Tue, April 12, 2005 1:20 pm, Ceki Gülcü said:
> Frank,
> What you suggest sounds quite wrong to me. In particular,
> org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4jFactory is deprecated [1] and should
> not be used. The fact that setting org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
> gives positive results indicates that you may be using an old version of
> JCL as James suspected you were.
> [1]
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging/api/org/apache/commons/logging/impl/Log4jFactory.html
> At 06:07 PM 4/12/2005, Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
>>Thanks James, that did put me on the right track... just for the sake of
>>having an answer in the archives, what solved the problem for me is
>> adding
>>the following file...
>>...(yes, that is the full filename!), with the contents...
>>... stored under META-INF/services in the root of the webapp (so that it
>>is part of the WAR within the EAR).
>> >From what I gather, Websphere wants to take over logging with its
>>proprietary logging subsystem, and this basically tells it "No, no, bad
>>app server!  Use what *I* say to use!"
>>So, while not strictly a Log4J issue, I can see this coming up again for
>>others, so hope it helps someone down the road!
>>Frank W. Zammetti
>>Founder and Chief Software Architect
>>Omnytex Technologies
> --
> Ceki Gülcü
>    The complete log4j manual: http://www.qos.ch/log4j/
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