I am replyign to an older post... so I hope in comes in the correct
thread..."Re: shut off internal logger output" (see below)

I found a way by myself but is currently not so satisfying. If someone 
has another solution i.e. by using the configuration please let me 

Have a look at the class "org.apache.log4j.helpers.LogL­og" This class 
is used to print out the internal stuff about the internal loggers. 

class Hierarchy: 

            "Creating new logger ["+name+"] in repository 

class LogLog: 

  public static void info(String msg) { 
    if ( !quietMode) { 
      System.out.println(INFO_PREFIX + msg); 

The LogLog offers a flag "quietMode" which can be set via the method 
"setQuietMode(boolean)". As default the flag is turned off. 

Unfortunately I haven't found a way to configure it via the 
configuration file because it seems not to be implemented. So the way 
is either to modify this class and set the "quietMode" to "true" or to 
call from any point of your application this static function. 


Disadvantage is also that any error message of the log4j framework itself
i.e. failure in config file will not any more be printed out.

hope this helps 

Mark Egloff 

Re: shut off internal logger output
Wed, 29 Jun 2005 14:38:27 -0700

Actually I would be happy if I could keep my chainsaw client appender(and 
the ability to connect using the socket receiver or not)
and get rid of the log4j:INFO message stating the socket is trying to 
connect. I know if I comment out the chainsaw appender in the config file it

goes away but I'm generating a .jar and would like to have the choice of 
chainsaw or console without the log4j.INFO socket receiver polling message

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