A  word of caution.  I am not sure that every version of Tomcat behaves
that well.  JBoss (based on Tomcat for the web serving portion) had
problems with the isolation issue in several of its older versions
(roughly around the time of Tomcat 5.0) and claimed that its problems
were inherited from Tomcat.  As far as I know, this kind of problems do
not exist in Tomcat 5.5.

So, I would suggest testing to make sure you get no surprises.  
Forza Azzurri!!!


Bruno Melloni
Director of Software Architecture
Akuratus Corporation
1333 N. Stemmons Fwy, Suite 110
Dallas, Texas 75207
Phone: 469.227.0920
Fax: 469.227.0967

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/26 9:29 AM >>>
Quoting Fabrizio Squittieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> i've got a simple question.
> We have a Tomcat 5.0.5 on A linux server which runs a number of web
> apps.
> Now we wanted to configure log4j in a single file and we did it by
> adding a
-Dlog4j.configuration=file:/usr1/config_tmp/log/log4j.properties \
> row to catalina.sh .
> The question is: What does it happen if a web-app puts a
> log4j.properties
> (e.g.log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG,stdout or some other bad configs)
> in its WEB-INF/classes?
> Does it overwrite the global config?

No, it won't overwrite the global config as long as a copy of log4j.jar
included in the webapp.  It will use its own configuration and be
separated from the global logger repository.  This is because of
default parent-last classloading behavior (recommended by the servlet
If you had parent-first classloading behavior, which is usually the
default in
most larger application servers, then you would have a problem.


> Thanks
> Fabrizio Squittieri - Programmatore
> Sistema informativo - Comune di Prato
> Via Cairoli 16 - Prato
> 0574615275

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