Thanks for the suggestion. But what happens when the filewatchdog detects a
subsequent change in the configuration file? Is the file wiped again? Would
it be better to enable the "append" settings on the FileAppender?

There are little issues like this that need to be looked at for the
watchdogs. In some cases, you might want the watchdog to do the initial


On 10/18/05, William Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> If you're planning changes for FileWatchDog in the coming 1.3 release,
> I'd like to request that it determines the lastModified time of the File
> in the FileWatchDog constructor prior to calling #checkAndConfigure.
> Otherwise any existing log file is erased when the FIleWatchDog executes
> its first check and in an enterprise application you're not always in
> control of when that might happen.
> We've had to introduce our own DOMConfigurator, XMLWatchDog and
> FileWatchDog to stop our log file being wiped.
> William

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