I suspect utility code that is performing its own configuration of Log4j without your knowledge. Or, depending on where Log4j is, it might be another webapp which is configuring itself that is affecting your application. If Log4j.jar is in shared/lib or common/lib, and there is no log4j.jar in either yours or other webapps, then you are all using the same logger repository of the same instance of Log4j. In that case, the way to work around it is to make sure you put Log4j.jar in WEB-INF/lib of your webapp. That will insulate you from other webapps using Log4j. The other way around this is using a repository selector. Search this list for how to use a repository selector.


At 04:09 PM 12/2/2005 -0800, you wrote:
>I'm working on a webapp using java 1.5 on tomcat5.0.28 that has some
>multithreaded processes that run behind the scenes. When the app is running
>log4j.properties is loaded and initially works correctly.  After a few
>minutes (its varies) the configuration changes.  The layout switches to the
>default pattern. Every message is then logged a second time to the console.
>Sometimes the intended appender stops logging altogether.
>here is my log4j file:
>log4j.rootLogger=WARN, A1
>log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p [%d{MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss}]
>%c{1} - %m%n
>log4j.logger.org.osuosl.ockham.registry.lucene=DEBUG, A1
>log4j.logger.org.osuosl.ockham.registry.HarvesterService=DEBUG, A1
>The only calls i make to log4j at runtime are to output messages, any ideas
>what would cause this?
>thanks for the help
>Peter Krenesky
>Enterprise Developer
>Open Source Lab @ OSU
>office: 541-737-9572
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