The usual way I would do this is use MDC. What you require is to be able to correlate separate logging events together (at least be able to find them easily).

IN this case I'm guessing you have a unique Order identified (say, OrderID). In the bit of code where you first know the OrderID, do this:

Integer orderID = ........;
MDC.put("OrderID", orderID);

At each layer,just log whatever you want to log, knowing that the MDC values are assigned to each loggingevent on the same thread.

Then, to be able to correlate the information in your log files, you need to output the MDC value. Using PatternLayout, the %X value gives you access to MDC values, so adding %X{OrderID} would display on each line the value of the OrderID value you assigned. You won't get all of the events on the same line of logs, but this is much much easier. This is the way I log all events in a webapplication frame work, logging the userID via mDC to be able to correlate what happened for a given request.

The last step is to find a logical place in your thread's code to clear the MDC value, so that if the same thread is used again, it's value is not polluted:



Paul Smith

On 10/12/2005, at 5:44 PM, Sriram Venkatasubramanian wrote:

Hi ,

 I have a distinct  logger  at three layer ( DAO, Service, Controller)
which all writing to one file   as

DEBUG 2005-12-09 19:29:37,422  Create Order: DAO :1301

DEBUG 2005-12-09 19:29:37,429  Create Order:  Service :35

DEBUG 2005-12-09 19:29:37,432  Create Order:  Controller :51

I would like to get the log as a single line as

 [03/Oct/2003:09:11:29 -0700] Create Order : Controller[5ms]  ,
[03/Oct/2003:09:11:29 -0700] Create Order : Service[25 MS]
[03/Oct/2003:09:11:29 -0700] Create Order : DAO[25 MS]

I think I have to carry fwd each log messages from each logger and
finally write in one place.  Is it psble ?   Any idea how ?

I am using RollingFileAppender   as

      <appender name="ACPTORDER_CONTROLLER"

            <param name="File"

            <param name="Append" value="false"/>

            <param name="DatePattern" value="'.'yyyy-MM-dd"/>

            <param name="MaxFileSize" value="2MB"/>

            <param name="MaxBackupIndex" value="10"/>

            <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">

<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%-5p %d %m% n"/>




Sriram  V

Sriram V


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