Jake, I'm not 100% sure if this is relevant, but I could not get the SCP ant task to work (which uses JSch) without using certificate authentication (see the build.xml in the chainsaw tree, in the distribution target, it copies the distribution over scp).

If you set up SSH key authentication between your local host and the remote machine such that no password is required (or only the password for your local key), then it should work great.

This URL may be helpful:


(and the rest of the article)

Once you can SSH from your local machine to the remote machine via this mechanism I'm guessing that the SFTP under Chainsaw will also work more smoothly.

On 15/02/2006, at 4:43 AM, Jacob Kjome wrote:

We have a log4j configuration with a file appender having the conversion

%-14d{ISO8601} %-5p %c{3} - %m%n

This results in lines such as...

13/02 14:05:06 DEBUG ui.actions.MyAction - Some message

My chainsaw config has the following for timestampFormat...

dd/MM HH:mm:ss

This works, as it matches the timestamp provided by the ISO8601 date (at least chainsaw seems to accept it as valid). However, it results in the year being
displayed as 1970.

So, how do I get this to to assume that the unstated year is the current year,
not 1970?

Also, unrelated, what version of JSCH do you use when using the sftp:// protocol via VFS? I've now been able to connect via ftp:// using my username/password, but not via SFTP. I've verified that I can connect via SFTP using FileZilla. Just wondering if you had any insight? I've also tried this outside of Chainsaw (using the <vfs:copy> Ant task) and get the same result. Then again, I'm using the same versions of VFS and JSCH there as I do in Chainsaw. Just wondering if there is a magic combination of versions that works? Otherwise, I
guess I'll take this question to the commons list.



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