> If somebody wanted to turn off all diagnostic logging (and they had 
> access rights to the logging configuration file), they would set the 
> level of the root logger to OFF which would disable all diagnostic 
> logging.  If a level had been set for business-events, it would 
> override the inherited level from root and so would not be affected 
> by the change to the root level.

But couldn't I potentially really screw up by setting a repository
threshold to OFF?  These business events initially will be
informational, but in further iterations of the code, they could
potentially be used for reporting, billing, etc.  It would seem safest
to have a separate business properties file loaded with a configurator
to eliminate this possibility.  Or maybe I'm making this more
complicated than it should be.

> Since this is phrased as "newbie question", I thought it would be 
> better to suggest a common and widely used approach (one hierarchy 
> with a branch for non-diagnostic logging) and discourage using a 
> complicated and novel approach (multiple hierarchies) until you have 
> more experience and a clear need.

I think you're right in that regard.  I'm not sure why, but having two
hierarchies just seems like a natural solution... and I could very well
be WAY off base.

Thanks for all your help (and any future comments), and I apologize for
my shaky knowledge of log4j.

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