Hi Neeraj/Suneel,

I got the solution and working fine.. 
Thanks for your help.

Also I require how to get the time stamp before this line
DEBUG com.dcx.gsp.glt.puecompare.PueCompareLogHooks - 
The line should look like as follows:
2006-07-28 13:08:07,725 [main] DEBUG 
com.dcx.gsp.glt.puecompare.PueCompareLogHooks - xyz

How to get this timestamp by setting in the below mentioned log4j properties.

Please help me out on this tooo.



On Wed, 09 Aug 2006 Kumar,Neeraj X(Credit) wrote :
>Just set the pattern as  %m%n
>-----Original Message-----
> From: Rajasekhar Dara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 12:19 PM
>To: ysuneelreddy
>Cc: 'Log4J Users List'
>Subject: Re: RE: How to ignore the class path in log file
>Hi Suneel,
>Thanks for your mail.
>Hope u didn't understand my problem correctly.
>Currently, I am getting my log file as
>DEBUG com.dcx.gsp.glt.puecompare.PueCompareLogHooks - DELETED ELEMENT VEHICLE 
>L 608 D
>My client doesn't want this part DEBUG 
>com.dcx.gsp.glt.puecompare.PueCompareLogHooks -
>He needs just the line like this
>If we write the code like this
>Properties l_oConfig = new Properties();
>l_oConfig.put("log4j.rootLogger", "DEBUG, R1");
>l_oConfig.put("log4j.appender.R1.layout.ConversionPattern","%-5p %c - %m%n");
>// Create a logger instance
>l_oLogger = Logger.getLogger(p_oForClass);
>we will get this part,
>DEBUG com.dcx.gsp.glt.puecompare.PueCompareLogHooks -
>How to modify the code to ignore the above line eventhough I use
>l_oLogger.debug("DELETED ELEMENT VEHICLE L 608 D");
>Please help me on this.
>On Wed, 09 Aug 2006 ysuneelreddy wrote :
> >Hi
> >Put the loge level priority more than debug like error,fatal...
> >What is the error in classpath..
> >Just mention the logxxx.jar in classpath that's enough...
> >If u have any queries tell me...
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> > From: Rajasekhar Dara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 3:19 PM
> >To: log4j-user@logging.apache.org
> >Subject: How to ignore the class path in log file
> >
> >Hello Log4J Users,
> >
> >I have an application, In that my log output is coming as follows
> >DEBUG com.dcx.gsp.glt.puecompare.PueCompareLogHooks - DELETED ELEMENT
> >VEHICLE L 608 D.
> >But I should ignore the class path and log file should look like
> >
> >How to ignore the printing of DEBUG and the classpath? How to set the log4j
> >properties?
> >
> >Immediate help would be appreciated.
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Dara.
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Rajasekhar Dara
> >Mindtree Consulting Pvt Ltd
> >Bangalore
> >Phone: 28605000 Ext: 2366
> >Mobile: 9845400277
> >
>Rajasekhar Dara
>Sr. Software Engineer
>HP Global Soft Ltd
>Phone: 22051018
>Mobile: 9845400277
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Rajasekhar Dara
Sr. Software Engineer
HP Global Soft Ltd
Phone: 22051018 
Mobile: 9845400277

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