

We are using log4j for our core business framework and it works fine.

One of recent requirements is that we need to capture different logging
events: very much customized.

For example, they need a Configurations event, Business Activity event


1)       Is there a way we can extend the org.apache.log4j.Level class?
Can we have our own logging levels?

2)       If so, can we re-direct the different logging levels into
different log files? For example, all the log statements with
com.test.logging.Level.CONFIG(a custom level) should be directed to
myapp-config.log and vice versa.

3)       In a J2EE application, how can we use a different log4j
configuration file name, NOT the default log4j.xml or log4j.proprties?


Any help is appreciated.


Thanks & Regards 
Murthy Madduri
* (770)263-1231


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