Try putting the log4j.xml in the working directory and not providing a
path (just the filename).  Also run with -Dlog4j.debug to see what
log4j finds.

On 1/23/07, Lisa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have written some JUnit tests and put them in the standard layout for test
cases under Maven.  The tests use log.debug(msg), etc.

The tests run OK.

So now I created a simple log4j.xml file with an appender and a logger that
filters only the logging messages in my test case (by package).

When I run maven (mvn test), how do I tell it where my log4j.xml is and how to
use log4j logging?

I have tried everything.  I edited the "mvn" script under the install directory
to include the following:

 exec "$JAVACMD" \
   -classpath "${M2_HOME}"/core/boot/classworlds-*.jar \
   "-Dclassworlds.conf=${M2_HOME}/bin/m2.conf" \
   "-Dmaven.home=${M2_HOME}"  \
   "-Dmaven.junit.sysproperties=log4j.configuration" \
   "-Dlog4j.configuration=file:C:\tmp\log4j.xml" \

this does not work (have tried with and without file:.

I have included a something similiar on the mvn command line:
   mvn -Dlog4j.configuration=c:\tmp\log4j.xml  test

this does not work (have included =file:c:\tmp... as well

I have also tried setting properties in the pom.xml like so:






--- and  (log4j.xml is in same directory as pom.xml) this does not work either.



none of these work.  Any ideas on how to integrate Maven2, Log4J and Junit would
be greatly appreciated.

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James Stauffer
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