maxLogs isn't a value of that appender in 1.2.  You may be thinking of
RollingFileAppender or 1.3.

Don't put the pattern in the File value.
  <param name="File"

On 3/16/07, Andrew Marlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
James Stauffer wrote:
> There are no included appenders that can do that.  You could
> easily write your own appender to do that or use
> DailyRollingFileAppender to roll every hour and then have 6
> files for each "watch".

ok, but ...

The name of the file that gets created contains a literal 'yyyy-MM-dd-a'
rather than the actual date/time I expected. What am I doing wrong
Finally, the program gives a warning at startup:
log4j:WARN No such property [maxLogs] in
What does this mean please? How can I make this problem go away?

> On 3/16/07, Andrew Marlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello guys,
>> I am new to log4j so please bear with me. I am writing a program in
>> java that used to be written in C++. The C++ program used a
>> home-grown logger. I am trying to use log4j to do the logging. The
>> homegrown logger used to write 4 logfiles per day; the files were
>> considered as watches of a 6 hour duration (0000->0600, 0600->1200,
>> 1200->1800 and 1800->2400). It looks to me like I might be able to
>> use DailyRollingFileAppender to do a similar job.

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