XML Layout intentionally writes a file with no valid root element. You need to wrap the file in a root element. An easy way to do this is to use DTD entity includes or use XMLInclude. Or, load it as a DocumentFragment into a full Document using the DOM.

BTW, you should post this to the log4j-user list. This list is for development issues. I've directed this reply to the user list and cc'd the dev list.


At 10:59 PM 6/7/2007, you wrote:
>I'm using log4j for logging. I'm doing this using XmlLayout.
>When i logged a message it is logging as shown below
><log4j:event logger="hale" timestamp="1181233009285" level="DEBUG"
><log4j:message><![CDATA[After Initial Logging]]></log4j:message>
>And i'm using xslt to view the log files.
>But when i'm try to log like this
><log4j:event logger="hale" timestamp="1181233009285" level="DEBUG"
><log4j:message><![CDATA[<msg>After Sort</msg><datetime>2007-06-07
>i'm not able to view using the xslt.
>Need help in this regard.
>thanks & regards,
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