You might want to consider logback which handles this task very nicely.

minimoe wrote:

I've got a question regarding log4j and propagating errors in a program
flow. I'm currently developing test case scripts using Rational Functional
Tester which has a poor logging system and I've looked into using log4j

I can't find a way to make log4j propagate errors to a "higher instance".
What I would like is for errors found in the "middle" of the program flow to
propagate to the last stage of the process.

An example flow where an error in a subscript propagates to end.

Script 1
 Subscript 1:1 OK!
 Subscript 1:2 ERROR!
 Subscript 1:3 OK!
Script 1 Finished with ERROR in Subscript 1:2.

Would it be good practice to use some kind of hierarchy in which the errors
are sent to a special logger which in turn connects to the top-level-logger
and outputs at the end of the flow?

I'll appreciate any help or tips I can get in this matter!

Ceki Gülcü
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