I have Chainsaw sort of working using a log4j written text log.
But the logFormat is not correct.
What are the possible values for this (logFormat)?

A co-worker thinks the pattern is: (2 sample lines below)
DateTime Hostname DateTime Severity Logger Server Logger Method Message 
How would I write that for the logFormat?

Info:  (log4j.xml file)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration >
<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="";
<plugin name="RSA LOG FILE"
    <param name="timestampFormat" value="MMM dd HH:mm:ss"/>
    <param name="logFormat" value="TIMESTAMP LEVEL CLASS MESSAGE"/>
    <param name="fileURL" value="file:///C:/junk/rsa.log"/>
    <param name="tailing" value="true"/>
</plugin >
<root><level value="debug"/></root>

Two sample lines from the log:
Aug 28 15:09:49 vhaisprsa4 2007-08-28 15:09:49,566 WARN  ae - Deployed:
rsaRsa4Srv1 - Logger: AE - getSectionOperationOptByAEPath DTC: given AE
was not a schedulable entity 
Aug 28 15:09:52 vhaisprsa4 2007-08-28 15:09:52,595 ERROR lu - Deployed:
rsaRsa4Srv1 - Logger: LOOKUP - LU convertResultSetToXferApptRequest for
request 66  java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException 

Bernard Siegel
Senior Research Analyst
Mobile Systems Technology Group
Presentation Systems Section
Software Design and Development Department
Medical Systems Organization
Software Engineering
Division 10, Automation and Data Systems
Southwest Research Institute
Desk Phone:  (210) 522-2347
Cell Phone: (210) 387-6437
Fax Phone: (210) 522-4228

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