
I have been lurking for a short while and I have to say, good job!

Your response times are fantastic!

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 10:20:14 
To:"Log4J Users List" <>
Subject: Re: Question: Chainsaw usage

On 20/10/2007, at 7:51 PM, Owe Andresen wrote:

> Hello,
> (@first, im new to this list).
> 1. I write a sutom receiver for our log-message formats. What  
> bothers me is that i have to open the recevers configuration file  
> each time when i start Chainsaw.

Why don't you configure the URL of the config file in the  
preferences?  Then it will be loaded each time automatically?

> 2. I restart Chainsaw alot, becase i cannot remove the visible  
> receivers once they are in the treeview of the chainsaw lgomessage  
> panel.
I don't understand what you mean here.

> 3. I got concurrent modification exception, when having alot of  
> messages (150000).. Also i got "IllegalArgumentException" when  
> filtering by date (with only 7000 logmessages also). known?
A stacktrace to this mailing list would be useful here, otherwise we  
don't know what problem you are encountering.

> 4. I am missing that jump-to-logmessage by number, i heard it was  
> announced somewhere. When will this feature come in a new Chainsaw  
> release?

This is in the trunk version of Chainsaw, not yet released (waiting  
on some downstream log4j modules to be released first).



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