First, it's unusual to name your logger after the name of the log file you expect it to go to.  But I guess that's up to you.  Your real problem is probably that you haven't compile your classes with debug info (the java -g option).


On Mon, 16 Jun 2008 12:11:37 +0530
 "Debarshi Sanyal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I wrote a small Java program to configure an org.apache.log4j.Logger and log
messages using it.

Excerpts from the Java file are:

package MyPackage;


public class LogTest
   private static Hashtable cLoggerHash = new Hashtable();
   private void setLogInfo()
       String sLogFile = "TestLogFile.log";
       Logger cLogger = Logger.getLogger( sLogFile );
       cLogger.setLevel( Level.toLevel("DEBUG") );
       PatternLayout cLayout = new PatternLayout();
       cLayout.setConversionPattern( "[%d{yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}]%C     -
%m%n" );

       RollingFileAppender cFileAppender = new RollingFileAppender();
       cFileAppender.activateOptions( );
       cFileAppender.setLayout( cLayout );
       cLogger.addAppender( cFileAppender );
       cLoggerHash.put( sLogFile, cLogger );
  public static void main (String[] args)
      LogTest logTest = new LogTest();
      Logger cLogger = Logger.getLogger( "TestLogFile.log" );
      cLogger.log("TestLogFile.log", Level.INFO,  "\t ++++++++++++++ This
is a test log +++++++++++++++++ ", null);


The output is:
[2008/06/13 20:24:53.415]?     -     ++++++++++++++ This is a test log

The fully qualified classname is NOT displayed.
Instead a "?" is displayed.

Please help.


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