Hello Bender,

Thank you for your detailed response. I appreciate it.

I believe that the problem you describe, namely separation of logging
(per thread), can be accomplished by means other than repository

Your requirements are duly noted. I intend to look into it and to offer a
more convenient solution in the coming days.


Bender Heri wrote:
> Hallo Ceki
> I found log4j's RepositorySelector very useful, I think I would not
> have been able to solved my problem without it.
> I use it in a System which is designed to maintain different
> customers. A single customer should never see any data (or even know
> about the existence) of other customers. So I needed to separate also
> all logs. One core application is a scheduler app which maintains
> different jobs which run at regular intervals (configured for each
> customer and job kind). The jobs make heavy use of common libraries
> (in fact most of the work is done within these libraries, which make a
> lot of log outputs). This log outputs should never mix between
> customers and jobs.
> Such a job is running in its own thread. Therefore I can use the MDC
> which is feeded at every thread start with infos about the current job
> and the current customer. This info is then used by the repository
> selector for choosing the correct repository (where file appenders are
> defined with filenames and storage locations mirroring these MDC
> infos).
> Maybe your new logback has other useful constructs to solve such a
> problem. Using Log4j's RepositorySelector was a bit hard to understand
> at the beginning, specially the need for having special logging code
> (MDC, configuring the file appenders) at every thread start (was a bit
> complex in combination with a thread pooling). I wished that such
> things could be done only by configuration. More problems: Logger
> instances in library classes cannot be instantiated statically, and
> utility classes with static methods and other singletons must fetch
> the logger on each method entry (I had to disable log outputs from
> third party libraries which do not obey such circumstances).
> Greetings
> Heri Bender
Ceki Gülcü
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