Yes, Chainsaw can be launched via JNLP.  The currently released (but old)
version is available from the Download page:

How are you running Chainsaw now? via the 'standalone' or Mac bundles?

If you're trying to view log files on a remote machine, it supports that as
well, using VFSLogFilePatternReceiver - see the 'important distribution
notes' link for more information or feel free to post further questions.


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 1:37 AM, Moley Harey <> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I have been using Chainsaw as a GUI for displaying my log4j log messages
> locally.
> Now I need to remotely launch Chainsaw and I was wondering if is possible
> to
> launch it using Java Web Start technology...
> Do you now if just doing a simple JNLP file I can launch Chainsaw?
> Thanks in advance,
> Mh
> --

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