2 ways (both assuming you don't want to blow away the configuration for the server, but still use custom configuration for your application)

1.  If you deploy your app as a WAR file, then you can utilize child-first classloading.  As long as you include log4j.jar in WEB-INF/lib and log4j.properties (or log4j.xml) in WEB-INF/classes, then you will end up using your own config rather than the server's.

2.  Use a Repository Selector.  For more info, see.... http://wiki.apache.org/logging-log4j/AppContainerLogging


On Thu, 26 Aug 2010 11:49:08 +0200
 "Ben Stover" <bxsto...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Assume a default log4j.properties file is setup for a whole application server.

Now I deploy a new, own java program into the application server which contains logging
statements like


as well.
Currently the log output go to the default log file defined in the overall log4j.properties file.

But I want to use another, different logfile. This should be defined (as far as I can see) in a second log4j.properties file. But how can I access this jog4j.properties file when creating the logger in the java program?
Resp. how can I tell the environment to use another log4j.properties file ?


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