You could set it to debug for a specific class logger without issue, no?  
you be using that same logger for all methods in the class anyway?  Otherwise,
create multiple logger named after the class and method and enable debug for the
one you care about.


On 3/28/2011 1:46 PM, log4jlog4j wrote:
> Hi,
> Just want to check can we set debug for any specific method in the
> applciation using log4j. This will be very useful if we have this feature in
> log4j so trying to check on this. 
> I have a application running on production and to check on one very
> complicated issue want to check if we can set debug for any specific method.
> Due to volume and performance we dont want to do debug at applciation level
> on production and we are not able to reproduce that on our test environment. 

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