You can reference Java system properties using the syntaxt ${somePropertyName},


You can set Java system properties on the command line using...

java -Dlog.dir=/path/to/log/directory ....


On 4/1/2011 1:10 PM, nulll wrote:
> Hi,
> I configured my logging with file using a FileAppender.
> When I do my local development, I use Tomcat under Windows.
> When deploying on managed-environments (sys, acc, prod), I use WebSphere
> under Linux.
> Since my various environment use dedicated file structure, I'd like to know
> how I can set a log file location which is dynamic.
> I would actually want to have my log4j logging written into a file in the
> same folder as SystemOut.log.
> I defined a LOG_ROOT WebSphere variable but I don't think it's accessible to
> LOG4J.
> I made some research on the Internet but still didn't find any way to do
> that.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks!

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